Picture taken from here.
So i'm a couple of days behind on blogging. I'm going to catch up today. Let's start with Wednesday, which is when I began to feel victorious and it has spilled over into today, which is a GREAT thing! Why did I/do I feel victorious, you ask? Great question and I'm delighted to tell you. I feel victorious because I win. This may not be the explanation you were looking for... thought it was going to be an elaborate tale of victory over some obstacle. The truth of the matter is that it's a declaration of a factual statement. I win. In all things....Eventually. Winning is a choice and I choose to win, therefore, I AM victorious. Not to mention, my FAVORITE being in the whole wide world said that I'm victorious. As matter of fact I am ALWAYS victorious through Christ Jesus. So, I accept that fact. I suggest you accept it, too. Even when things are ugly, you can still choose to win. When it doesn't feel good...you're stuck between a rock and a bigger rock, you can still choose to win. Eventually, we attain the crown. So even right now when I'm not the best I'll ever be, I'm winning because I know that the crown of life awaits me. Be encouraged today! I want you to win...and more importantly, God wants you to win.