Thursday, June 9, 2016

Feeling faint...

Do you ever have those moments when you are just T-I-R-E-D?! *whew* I have been in that "moment" for several weeks now...maybe even months. I'm just tired. Of so many things. And even being tired is exhausting!

Or, should I say, I WAS tired...I FELT faint..because now I'm feeling pretty good!! There comes a time in all of our lives when I'm sure the pressures of life can cause us to just get  a little down, a little discouraged, feel a little faint. Feeling faint isn't an unnatural occurrence. It happens to the best of us. When we feel faint, though, we have to find a place of rest so that we can be rejuvenated. For me, that place of rest is in God. I start talking to my Heavenly Father and I meditate on some of His promises to us in scripture. That helps me. Sometimes it takes more than a little talk with Jesus. Sometimes are conversations carry on for weeks. I can say with certainty that not once has God allowed me TO faint even when I FEEL faint. I know it has been the grace of God carrying me through some of these difficult seasons. There is no other explanation for why I've been able to maintain SOME composure when it feels like I keep going through the same seasons of famine and lack and just uuuggghhhh! Today, though, I'm good. God reminded me that I'm under His wing. So i'm trudging along my path, not begrudgingly, but thankfully and patiently. If you find yourself feeling faint, come in from the heat for a while by resting under the shadow of The Almighty.

Photo taken from here.

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